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Towns and Parish Workshops

Towns and Parish Workshops

The South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) have a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with The Associations of Local Councils within the South Downs.

This Memorandum of Understanding sets out how the SDNPA will engage with the 176 Town and Parish Councils across the National Park.

The MoU states that the Associations of Local Councils and National Park Authority will hold 2 meetings per year inviting all Town and Parish Councils to attend.

Due to the high number of Town and Parish Councils in the National Park the Authority arranges meetings in Hampshire, West Sussex and East Sussex.

The meetings are an opportunity for Town and Parish Councils to hear about the work of the SDNPA in their local area, they also give Town and Parish Councils an opportunity to raise concerns they may have and ask questions of SDNPA officers and Members.

In the past the meetings have covered topics including The Partnership Management Plan, Issues and Options for the South Downs Local Plan, provided updates on key projects in the SDNPA and included presentations on subjects such as  Planning Enforcement, Secrets of the High Woods and the Dark Night Skies reserve.

All materials presented at the meetings can be found in this section.


"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."